How to create resource files

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If you have archives with large images, you should only put thumbs (step 1) into the archive, and upload the original images to the location defined by DownloadURL in the Folders.dat. The original images can be encoded with two protection levels using CodedColor PhotoStudio, to undermine the copyright of the photographer or artist (see step 2 below).


Step 1: To the left you see the batch processing dialog of CodedColor used to create thumbs of the original files. Make sure to enable subfolders in the preceding Job Wizard.

You must select Size & Quality (max. 800px, 50%) and Output (Preserve filetype, suffix "thumb").

CodedColor will then generate files like xyz_thumb.png. These files must be packaged in a ZIP archive (including the subfolders and Folders.dat) and uploaded to the <DataPackURL>/Branding folder, where the archive will be dynamically downloaded by the 3P Publisher at defined update intervals. This archive leads to the addition of a new tabset in the 3P Publisher the next time it is started.



Step 2: To the left you see the CodedColor Job Wizard, where you select Encode Files, then All files incl. subfolders. You are then asked for the password, which should look like this:

<password>.<protection level>
Example: katarina.1

Allowed Protection Level Values:

1: All drag/add functions allowed
2: Editor disabled, "Add as BG" disabled, Copy&Paste allowed, Crop allowed, image placeholders only shows thumb with max. 800px

Protection level 2 will thus prevent the user from zooming or enlarging the image placeholder and making a highres screenshot of the copyrighted image. During the whole creation of the product, he will only work with the 800px thumb. He will be reminded of this in a message when he adds the image. The original is replaced just before upload.

lightbulb_onThis feature replaces the deprecated OPI feature. It allows the designer to add special locked or always-on-top thumbs to his product layout file, which will be replaced dynamically with the crypted highres images during upload. For this to work, the product layout designer needs to drag the image from the resource folder as the user would, and include the same resource zip file containing the thumbs in the setup executable. If it is irrelevant that the user has access to the fullsized image, the designer can simply include the highres image in the layout, and make the corresponding product zip file dynamically downloadable.

CodedColor will now generate encoded files with the file extension .png_rc6 or .jpg_rc6. These files must be uploaded to the DownloadURL defined in the Folders.dat (while preserving the subfolder structure), where they will be dynamically downloaded and decoded by the 3P Publisher when the user drags a thumb to a page. Since the password is also encrypted and hidden inside the image file, you don't need to store it anywhere else in the Publisher installation.

You must also set DownloadSuffix=_rc6 in the Folders.dat, so the Publisher knows that local thumbs and remote originals now have different extensions.


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