Updating your Products

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Products.xml & Design-Mode

Transfer any new xml nodes & attributes from the <SetupWizard>\Source\4all.EN\products_demo.zip to your own Products.xml (see ChangeLog inside). You can use WinMerge to easily compare files.
Update product descriptions and prices
Make sure, your Publisher binary version is >= the Compatible attribute
Make sure the ExpireDate is high enough


Consult 3P SetupWizard Help.pdf for more info on how to brand your application & products via Products.xml and HTML files, and how to build your installer with the SetupWizard.

Other branding tasks

Edit the dynamic.ini and default.ini, and copy these files into the \products\branding folder (see SetupWizard for full path)
Copy new images (fold, placeholder, etc.) into the \products\images folder, and correct the corresponding references in your Products.xml (see Products_demo.xml)
Start your Demo Desktop Publisher installation in design-mode using the commandline parameter /design, in order to update the layout & template files for each product.


Consult the Design Mode chapter and the 3P Desktop Publisher Help.pdf for more info on how to use the Publisher and edit the layout & template files in design-mode.


2015 © 3P Photobook Publisher